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Tax Return:: 2021 Early Tax Return! Application Conditions & Application Period!

Hello, this is your tax and super specialist, P&C Tax Professionals!

Every year, formal applications for Australian tax returns begin in July and must be lodged before the end of October.

However, if you have departed Australia before this date and want all of your tax affairs to be taken care of quickly, you can apply for an early tax return prior to the commencement of the formal tax return date (i.e. before 1 July).

So, today in this post I will explain to you the conditions under which you can apply for an early tax return and the application period.

First of all, if you are leaving Australia before 30 June (i.e. the last day of your income year), you can apply for an early tax return if the following conditions are met:

You are a foreign resident for tax purposes and you are either : - Leaving Australia on a permanent basis; and/or

- Will no longer derive Australian-sourced income (other than interest, dividend and royalty income)

You are an Australian resident for tax purposes and you are either:

- Leaving Australia

- Ceasing to be an Australian resident for tax purposes

- Will no longer derive Australian-sourced income (other than interest, dividend and royalty income)

If you satisfy any of the above conditions, you are eligible to apply for an early lodgment of your tax returns.

However, you must lodge your tax return during the normal lodgment period (1 July to 31 October) if you:

- Are not leaving Australian permanently

- Will receive Australian sourced income (excluding interest, dividends and royalties) after leaving Australia

- Have a Higher Education Loan Program (HELP), Trade Support Loan (TSL) or VET Student Loan debt that still needs to be repaid.

A lot of the people departing Australia have applied for an early tax return through our company, P&C Tax, with all of them getting processed without any problems!

If you meet the above conditions and want to apply for an early tax return or have further enquiries, please contact us through our Official Facebook Page (P&C Tax Professionals - Australia) or via our email address at:

Thank you and bye for now!


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